A commitment to patients is at our core.

A team of expert advisors to help you navigate the healthcare landscape and enhance patient lives.

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Illustrated, textured, and pink-colored, outstretched hand holding a pink and green Rubrum lily.
  • Illustrated, textured, and pink- and green-colored circles. One large one in the center with a ring of eight smaller ones around it and eight even smaller ones around those.

    Market Access

    Accessible. Covered. Diffused. We share the same goals when it comes to high-quality healthcare innovations. Let us work together and get started.

  • Illustrated, textured, pink-colored paper with a green-colored magnifying glass being held up to the paper.


    Our executive-level federal agency and health system experience gives us unparalleled insight into their processes and procedures. Allow us to put our knowledge to use for you.

  • Illustrated, textured, and pink- and green-colored American flag standing tall above a pink-colored textbook that has a “plus” symbol on it.


    Our bipartisan approach helps shift policy in a more impactful direction for all patients. We are excited to make change together—for the better.

Headshot of Lee Fleisher on an outdoor background with a tree.

Lee Fleisher, M.D., M.L.

Founder & Managing Principal

Headshot of Matthew Fleisher on an outdoor background with a bush behind him.

Matthew Fleisher, J.D., M.P.H.

Founder & Managing Director

Headshot of Tamara Rook on a blurred-out outdoor background.

Tamara Rook, M.B.A.


Headshot of Steve Hahn on a white background.

Steve Hahn, M.D.


Headshot of Nancy Stade on an outdoor background with tree branches behind her.

Nancy Stade, J.D.


Headshot of Kurt Herzer on an outdoor background with a tree and a bush behind him.

Kurt Herzer, M.D., Ph.D., M.Sc.


Headshot of Neha Presad on an outdoor background with a tree and a fence behind her.

Neha Prasad, Ph.D.

Senior Manager

Headshot of Samuel Yates on an outdoor background with a terrace and a plant behind him.

Samuel Yates, M.H.A


Headshot of Eleanor Wolfe on an outdoor background with tree branches behind her.

Eleanor Wolfe, M.P.H.

Senior Associate

Headshot of Allison Goldring on an outdoor background with tree leaves behind her.

Allison Goldring, M.P.H.

Senior Associate

Headshot of Anjali Bhatla on an outdoor background with tree branches behind her.

Anjali Bhatla, M.D., M.B.A.

Senior Fellow

Headshot of Brian Cortese on an outdoor background with tree leaves and a lamp post behind him.

Brian Cortese M.D., M.B.A.

Senior Fellow

Headshot of Michael Karamardian on an outdoor background with a tree behind him.

Michael Karamardian


Headshot of Nikki Perry on an outdoor background with tree leaves behind her.

Nikki Perry



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    Two illustrated, textured, and pink- and green-colored Rubrum lilies next to each other. The left is shorter than the right.